David Martzolff

Birthday: December 20th

550+ Reviews

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About David

David is a licensed Realtor with Preferred Realtors Ltd. and is very excited to have joined The Packer group. He brings over 30 years of creative and marketing management experience to the team. During his career of working in the restaurant, advertising, industrial distribution, and automotive industries, he’s always been focused on providing world-class customer service. David grew up in Livonia and currently lives in Canton with his wife Veronica and their 15 year old Bichon, Molly. David and Veronica have two adult children who are both married and work and live in the area. David enjoys spending time with his growing family and can’t wait for grandchildren in the future. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf, exploring mountain bike trails, being outdoors, taking daily walks with his wife, doing home improvement projects, watching NASCAR and collecting professional baseball and hockey autographs. David is very familiar with Western Wayne, Washtenaw, Oakland and Livingston Counties, and is excited to help clients find their ideal home.

Canton, MI


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